Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March Madness

Hello relatives and friends,,,,Last night Merle Ann heard a small explosian...and glass breaking
She went out and did not find anything,In the morning she went down the hall way at the end of the house,My one gallon jug of home made beer had exploded....The glass pieces were found at both ends of the house, From the end bathroom through the laundry hallway in the kitchen and the living room..around 30 feet at least,,,,The beer was made from a "beer kit" Hint do not shake
a bottle when the contents are fermenting,,as I did from time to time,,When I was a teen ager in New Jersey we lived on a small farm,One hot summer day I was in the back room,,There was a just of cider on top a old Victrola (record player) a small window in back It had a cork on it.Curious I picked it up and shook the bottle and put it back,,The hot sun shinning through the window on it,,a few miutes later I heard a loud bang..I looked in the small room the cork was gone and vapor coming from the bottle,,I should have remmebered that,,,
Its still cold on the beach,,,I am hoping it get warm by Easter,,,Phillip Meyer S/sgt Ret.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Haiti gathering..memories of trip to Haiti

...This satuirday Merle ann (my wife) and I will go t the annual Haiti Gathering. in Charlotsville Virginia..Our Church helps a village in haiti in variouse ways. We have donated multiple sewing machines..Tons school supplys...I went out with a parishoner and help buy batteries and solar panels,..I have been to haiti three times. The place we would stay at before making the trip was destroyed by the earth quake...
The first time I went had my funniest story. The jeep left us at the base of the path leading to the school we would visit. As we started climbing hills I saw a very small building in the distance.
John our leaderssaid thats where we are going..Up and down hills slipping in mud falling in streams.drinking all my water and I made it.The haitian teachers we visited gaveme water from a cocnut.They knew I wuld not make it back so they but me on a donkey (very small)..I kept falling off as we went down the hill. In the distance I see John on his donkey.I shout out "Wait for me wait for me" but he was gone. Two haitians teachers help me One took one arm the other the other arm.They got me bottled waterfom the village..Up and down we went but I made it to the jeep,..Oh was i tired,,Haiti country side is rugged,,,When I made it back to where we ere staying I was muddy.dead tired,,,,,(But I made it)...Phillip Meyer S/sgt Ret,,,

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The sun is shinning on the beach

Happy St.Patricks day....

My wish for you all..

May the lord fill you with his Grace

May you wake up with the sun shinning in your face

May you find a large pint of beer at your drinking place

Truly may you all have a Happy St.Patricks day,,

and yes the sun finnaly came out today but it is still cold..

As it stands right now I am still trying to find out how to get people to recieve my Blog.

At the moment I am the sole reciever of my blog.

Phillip Meyer S/sgt ret..Korea/Viet Nam Vet

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello Best people

Hello all you out in "blogger land" I have put my group listing to be used to send out my "Blog"
Which is called "Best people"....Please if you get this let me know..Then Im on my way as a "blogger"...It is rainning on the beach.We have had more rain and snow since I started to live here in 1964,,,,The year Virginia Beach became a city.o before I stat some seriouse "blogging" I want to make sure it is being recieved by certain people,..I have a new e-mail system at work (tidewater community College) and I am just getting use to it,,Most previouse information was deleted so I am starting all over again....So let me hear from you....Phillip Meyer S/sgt ret.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


A beautiful day on the beach,,"Virginia Beach",,,,,This is my first blog,,,I will add a picture later.,,

My name is Phillip Meyer,,,,,,,,I go to Holy Spirit Catholic Church...I work at Tidewaer Community College in the mailroom......and thinking of retiring soon...I am a Retired S/sgt US Army...Korea and Viet Nam Vet.....4th Degree Knight of Columbus.

My hobby writing stories from my diary,,,,Army days,,,,